Monday, 19 May 2014

Recording, filming AND blogging can get tiring sometimes!

Okay so this week I was given some recording equipment for 2 weeks; I only have it for 2 weeks so I am trying to cram in as much recording as I possibly can but it does prove to be difficult with a blog, YouTube channel, editing and homework to battle also!

So I have a timetable that I am trying to stick to this week which I have set myself on my google calender. I am also filming 2 collaborations this week: one with my boyfriend, Cole, and one with my good friend Brad who also has a YouTube channel (Bradbro856)! Next week I am also doing some recording with a friend of mine who has an absolutely stunning voice and I cannot wait for you to hear, Eliza. So yeah, I am keeping very busy with all that.

Another thing keeping me busy is editing; I cannot believe just how much time and effort goes into editing the videos! My biggest problem is getting through all the footage I have. My video that went up on Sunday (The Chummy Challenge with my friend Daisy) took 6 hours to edit, the video and the bloopers video. I have realised you have to be inctedibly dedicated to your channel if you have one. The uploading of the two videos, which was about 22 minutes of video all together, took around 5-6 hours to upload. If anyone knows a trick to uploading videos quicker to YouTube please tell me because it would be of great use!:-)

Also, just an update on the recording of broken angel, I have recorded the verse and chorus at school and I am hoping to get the rest done this week and next week; it has been quite a long process but I finally feel like I am getting somewhere with it. I will keep updating you all with its progress though. :)

So this blog post was just a little update on everything I am working on for you guys at the moment. I hope you enjoyed this blog post and didn't get too bored! If you have read this far, comment your favourite sport in the comments on the blog ;-)
I will see you on Thursday, lots of love x <33

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