Sunday, 25 May 2014

ADVICE: Dealing With Stress!

So I figured that I would do another advice blog because I enjoyed writing the other one, I hope that people can read my blogs and take something from them. I get stressed a lot- mainly with little problems like friend fall outs and homework and revision when we have exams but it still feels like the end of the world at the time- so I hope this blog can help at least one of the people that are reading this!

When I have revision and exams at school I get incredibly stressed out; I find it very hard to sit down and focus on revision. I think especially because we're in more modern times now where we have even more distractions that take us away from revision. For example: I have my phone which has Facebook, Twitter, Texts and YouTube. If I am revising online on my laptop I also have all those distractions. So when you are revising make sure to put away your phones, laptops, iPads and any other devices that put you in contact with other people; set yourself a timer. Tell yourself you will do one hours revision with little 3-5 minute breaks every 20 minutes and then reward yourself with 20 minutes of your devices. That is the only way you will get anything done, otherwise I feel very stressed out. That is one way I deal with my stress.

Another way I like to conquer my stress is to go for a walk; walking is one of the ways I can de- stress. I have a special place I like to walk to where I sit and just think and reflect on everything which, when I get home afterwards, makes me feel much more relaxed and have a better view on life and what is stressing me out. Sometimes I take my music with me too- I go with my headphones and listen to my current favourite songs really loud which helps get my stress, and anger sometimes, out. 

That brings me on to another good de-stresser. MUSIC! I know that a lot of people, maybe most, can turn to music when they feel lots of emotions; I know that whatever emotion I feel I listen to my music- when I am happy, sad, depressed, angry, stressed, excited, you name it. Music is there. I also listen to it exceptionally loud if I am stressed out especially because it really helps to just get my stress all out of my system. I can literally feel the weight go off my shoulders and then I can relax. Also linking into listening to music, I also play music and write music when I am stressed- the songs don't turn out to be amazing or anything but then my stress transfers from my body to the song. Then I can lock it away in there and get away from it completely. :-)

When I am very stressed often it is because I am sleep deprived. Gradually the time I get to bed is getting later and later now that I have my blog and YouTube as well. I find myself staying up until 2-3 am trying to get editing and preparing blog posts done. So if I have had a particularly bad day at school, or work, or just a bad day anywhere really, when I get home I close my curtains, get into my comfy clothes, put a spotify playlist on and get into bed and have a sleep. For as long as I need. But first, I make sure that I have nothing to get done because then my mind cannot switch off at all. I don't let myself care about how long I am sleeping for, I just sleep for as long as I need then sometimes go for a walk afterwards to feel really calm and relaxed. It really helps.

The last thing that I find to be an amazing de- stresser is to have a hot bath; maybe if you're a boy this might not appeal to you as much but try it. I have a hot bath, light lots of candles around the bathroom, turn the lights off and put my current favourite music on. I put a face mask on, maybe have a bath bomb and sometimes just lie there and relax and the hotness of the water makes me feel really relaxed and de- stresses me.

So they are my 5 main de- stressers for different situations. I hope one of these 5 can help you when you feel stressed. Make sure to tell me if you would like more ADVICE blogs; I hope they help in some way.

See you Monday! Lots of love, Emily xx



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