Saturday, 10 May 2014

Everything Good Takes Time!

So I wasn't sure about this title: 'Everything Good Takes Time'. But thinking about it more I think it's a great title because it is really true for everything in life. You have to work for everything in life, it doesn't just come to you... it takes time. This really came into my head because in total today I have taken about 6-8 hours to prepare my YouTube video for tomorrow. I was up until half 12 last night (or this morning for those of you who might feel that necessary to point out!) just learning the piano part that I was supposed to do for my cover video... however by this morning, after another hour of practice, I decided to just play it safe and do a video of my recent compositions and ask for some more opinions, ideas and improvements. So that is what you will be expecting tomorrow. This is just a small clue for tomorrow (And no, it's not been uploaded yet: it is private until tomorrow at 8pm).

So as you can see from the screenshot above, we need to get some more views on the 'Please Don't Feel That Way' video. So if you're reading this please help me by sharing my video or YouTube channel on your social media's (Facebook, Twitter etc). It would be much appreciated. :-)

This morning I got up at 8.30 and started filming but once I realised that the cover sounded horrendous, because I had to keep stopping to remind myself of the lyrics, I decided to play it safe. So I decided to just do my own compositions (I hope you like them by the way!). My camera set this morning consisted of my piano, about 50 random pieces of paper stuck up around the room (with lyrics and chords for me to look at and remind me while I was filming), 10 books to stand up the camera, the iPad (for the camera) and an ironing board. Yes, you heard me right, an IRONING BOARD! I stood up the camera on our ironing board with about 10 books surrounding it to stand it up; you're all very lucky that you only see the tidy part of my bedroom when I am filming because the rest somehow gets like a bombsite! And I hate that, I always have a very clean and tidy room, in fact I'm very OCD about my room being tidy and organised, as all my friends will know!

I was quite excited today because I verified my YouTube account and realised that I can now have a watermark (my YouTube picture in the corner of every video), videos longer than 15 minutes, live streams and more! That made me very excited. I also got my YouTube account Partner Verified, which means I allow Google to put ads on or around my videos to earn money for Google which is split between them and me.. apparently. I'll have to let you know if anything actually comes of that! It's quite exciting though! As you can probably tell from my constant, rather obsessive, use of EXCLAMATION MARKS!!

I wanted to relate all the above to the title because it takes time to achieve anything good. Whether it is a YouTube channel, good grades in school, a strong relationship/ friendship, etc. I think it is an important thing to remember throughout life.

I'm quite excited for my YouTube video to go up tomorrow night because it has a little twist on it: it has me speaking at the end but I also added an End Card to my video, which is basically a card at the end of the video which has links to other recent videos, and just informs you about where you can find me (social media etc.). It looks really professional... for me... I'm quite proud of it. :D I am going to do the TMI Tag (Too Much Information) next Sunday I think, in between my next music video which will be going up on the 25th of this month; I think it would be good to have a more chatty video in between. A good friend told me it's very sensible to be as frequent with your YouTube videos as possible because your SUBSCRIBERS will be more loyal if you keep to your word... and more.

I'm going to end this blog here. It's been a pleasure talking to you lovelies! If you have read this far tell me your favourite ice cream topping! (Think I am going to make this a regular thing just to see who reads the blogs!) 

Lots of love, Emily <3 x




YouTube channel: 

My videos on YouTube:

Broken Angel (Original song by me): 

Please Don't Feel That Way (Original song by me):