Friday, 27 June 2014

Wouldn't It Be Amazing If...!

Okay so this blog post is a little different in terms of the style. I wanted to start some random little posts about random things I feel I can go on about and that you guys can also relate to also! This post is just a few things I think would be amazing if they happened or could work or whatever. Let me know in the comments of this post if you liked this type of post and any other blog post ideas for these types of things. :-)

So to start with, I think that to kick this 'wouldn't it be amazing if...' thing off we have to start with a dream catching pillow. WOULDN'T IT BE AMAZING IF your pillow could save your dreams, like a hard drive or usb pen, and then you could just put it onto your computer to watch it! I personally think that would be one of the most amazing things of all time!

Secondly, WOULDN'T IT BE AMAZING IF instead of having to miss people, you could just teleport there through a mobile phone. I mean, no one would have to worry about having long distance relationships! It would be great.

I think third, of course, would have to be that WOULDN'T IT BE AMAZING IF there was no such thing as cancer. Not even just cancer: any disease that kills you or causes you harm. It would be amazing if we lived in a world that did not involve anything like that.

Next, I think you will all agree, WOULDN'T IT BE AMAZING IF ice cream was healthy. Oh my gosh... we would all eat healthily then!

Fifth, WOULDN'T IT BE AMAZING IF bullying was never invented. Bullying wasn't even a thing and everyone was just nice to each other.

Sixth, this is something that I would absolutely love to have: WOULDN'T IT BE AMAZING IF school uniforms did not exist. If we were just allowed to wear whatever we wanted to, to go to school. I think that it would allow so many more people to be themselves, and not feel uncomfortable in their clothes they have to wear to school. People could be more themselves!

So obviously this blog post was just a light- hearted post that I wanted to get out there. I have many more ideas but if you enjoyed this blog post and would like to read another one, comment down below your favourite ICE CREAM FLAVOUR to let me know you would like another WOULDN'T IT BE AMAZING IF blog post :D

See you Monday guys for my next Bookshelf blog post. And on Thursday my June Favourites blog post will be out! Lots of love xoxo

If you didn't watch my VLOG from  last Saturday, go watch it here!:
If you didn't see my video from Sunday go watch it here!:




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