Wednesday, 25 June 2014


Okay so this is the third Hunger Games review in my trilogy; obviously the film has not yet come out yet (actually films, yes, they're making two!!) so this is just the review of the book.

BOOK: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay
AUTHOR: Suzanne Collins

Okay so first of all if you have actually read this series then you will understand my review much better, but if not feel free to take an insight into my thoughts and views on this series and then have a read yourself!
If you have not read the first and second reviews in this mini-series then have a read now before you read this one, enjoy! Xx

Okay so firstly, lets get this straight, this was the BEST book in the trilogy (in my opinion). This book was a completely different style of course but I loved it so much. I think one of the reasons I loved it so much was mainly because of the new characters introduced and just because it was the book where (SPOILER ALERT) the revenge took place on the capitol and President Snow was killed... I mean surely that has got to make this book everyone's favourite! Haha! Also President Coin, and just how it happened, was killed and it was excellent! I hated her, she was a complete control freak! (My excessive use of exclamation marks keeps creeping back each blog post!!!!!!!)

I think this book was brilliant, the style of it was something so great words can't even describe it (haha, that was a little pun!) and it just makes you want to turn every page and never stop reading. That is why I was so sad when this book ended and the trilogy was over. It has by far been my favourite read of all time, the whole trilogy of books... and the films are pretty great too. I am looking forward to the two Mockingjay films because it makes the trilogy carry on for a little longer haha! I hate moving on from books... I think that is my OCD creeping in a little there.

Mockingjay tied everything together for me, it was a lovely break from all the fighting and nastiness that happens in the other books. I mean, yeah, there is a war against the capitol but there isn't half as much violence. Well, maybe there is, but it's not all up-in-your-face all of the time like it is in the first two books. That is a nice change.

So I don't really know what else I want to say now so I'm going to end the blog post now... she say's awkwardly... -__-

I hope you enjoyed this little mini-series on my blog. I hope to do this again when I have read the Divergent series which I have almost finished the first book of! So I will keep you updated on how I am doing with that!

Lots of love, I will see you Saturday! Xo's

If you didn't watch my VLOG from Saturday, go watch it here!:
If you didn't see my video from Sunday go watch it here!:





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