Monday, 28 April 2014

New song and building up the nerves to record!:-)

So I know it has been quite a while since I have done a blog post but I am going to definitely do at least one blog post a week; I don't want to leave it for ages like I have done for a while now. A lot has happened since my last proper blog post, for one I have put another song onto my YouTube channel. I have been so pleased with how many views I have had- 230 views in 36 hours!:'''''D I have also noticed that I have gained a lot of respect from people around school. I'm not saying that they all treat me differently, I am simply saying that they finally get me a little more... which is great.

My new song's title is 'Please Don't Feel That Way'. I debated the song name for a good few weeks and obviously, for those of you reading this that keep up to date with my YouTube videos, know that I even put up a video of the song half finished so that people could help me with the title. Loads of people said to me 'Call it Don't Change' and 'What about Never Change?' but I didn't want the word change in the title. I don't know why but it didn't really seem like a powerful message- not that I want my titles to be powerful as such but I wanted it to mean something. For some reason my favourite line in the song (as you will be able to tell because it is repeated the most) is 'Please don't feel that way' and it fades out of the chorus so well into verse 2, the bridge and the ending. I think it's my favourite because it sums up everything I say in the song, it tells you all to not feel like any of those things I have sang and for some reason it is my favourite line. My friend Bruce was the one that persuaded me to finally choose the title. I repeated it so many times because I wanted to get that message across! That you are all perfect in your own way and you should never feel that way, like you are not good enough or like you don't belong, because the world would not be like it is if you, as an individual, were not here- because each and every one of us make up a small part of the world to be what it is now. It's like a jigsaw and I am just as much of an equal piece as anyone else, even if I am a corner piece, a side piece, or a middle piece we are all the same but if one of us wasn't there then it would be incomplete. So really what I am saying is just value yourself and realize that you matter. WOW! That was deep. I'm quite proud of that!! :D

I am getting ready to record Broken Angel. I want to record Please Don't Feel That Way afterwards. It has seemed like such a lengthy process and I just want to get it done now but my fear is keeping my back a little. I know that people really like the song and I know that it will sound so much better once it's recorded properly but I just feel really scared! I really do. I suppose I am worried about getting it wrong but I have nothing to worry about because I can have as many attempts as I want. I will keep you all updated though with everything that's happening, it's all very exciting at the moment for me though!:-)

I will be writing another blog post some time this week, unless I have a sudden moment where I feel like I want to write a blog post before that...! I will also be posting the lyrics for Please Don't Feel That Way this week. If you haven't heard Broken Angel then here it is:

This is the video for Please Don't Feel That Way (please no nasty comments, it is my first time doing a YouTube video showing my face!):

I also want to try doing some YouTube videos on my channel where I do chatty videos and challenges and fun non- music videos! I am going to be doing some filming with one of my friends Brad so I will let you all know about whether I decide to put up non- music videos :-)

Lots of love xxxx <33

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