So I am very sorry for not doing any blogs this week- it has been very busy; of course I have still had time to listen to music and write it though- I have been recording lots of little snippets ready for broken angel, I haven't done the voice recording yet though. If I'm honest I'm terrified about recording the voice. For this blog I am going to write a small account of each busy day I have had this week. Also if anyone has any suggestions for different topics I can write about on my blogs that would be very much appreciated as I need some more inspiration for what to write about.
Monday: Monday was one of the less busy days, a normal day at school finished off with a piano lesson. I have been learning all the classics though... Boring! But when I got home I went straight to my second favourite music teacher, YouTube! I have been learning Miley Cyrus- Wrecking Ball this week.
Tuesday: On Tuesday I was in our school music department most of lunch recording piano parts for broken angel; we also tested out some guitar on the recording to back up the piano parts. It sounded pretty good! My music teacher also worked out the chords for Broken Angel on the guitar for me too so that we can see how the song will sound with guitar backing it up. I have been taking a different friend every day to the music department to do little bits of recording, so they can all experience it... also there are only two pairs of headphones for the equipment, the others would be a bit bored!
Wednesday: So Wednesdays are my all time favourite day of the week: music day! We have music on a Wednesday- we did our composition for our level. I haven't yet found out what level I am though, I am hoping for a 6a/7c. I cannot wait for GCSE music, the people that are there will only be there because they want to be, not because they have to be for a start. My music class is made up of a mixture of idiots who don't care about music and don't like it and people who have a real passion for it and want to do well (like me). So when we were asked to do a composition of course the boys who aren't interested all went straight for loud drums that they drained the rest of us out with. It was incredibly difficult creating a piano composition when all you could hear was shouting and drums in the background. GCSE music will be great. :-)
Thursday: I can't even remember why, but Thursday was very busy! I missed my guitar lesson though :( I was very upset about that but my Mr Steels understood and gave me the music I was supposed to be learning anyway, Passenger- Let her go. A lot harder than it seems. But I got practising that straight away, I might do a cover of it on my YouTube channel when I have mastered it.. which might be a while.
Friday: A very exciting day! I was in music again on Friday, recording. I have been going in as much as possible, whenever I have a spare half an hour, and getting little bits done. When I got home I was on my guitar for 2 hours straight. I came up with a song in my head on the bus home from school and I was itching to get it written as soon as I got home. It's not finished, but I think this one's going to be a good one. I really like the sound of it. I always have little ideas but this one was much more solid. Honestly, if you went through my phone on the voice notes, you would hear so many little snippets of songs that I have never touched since. But in a way, that's great because when I want an idea I just have to go through my phone and listen to one, then I can build it up from there- a songwriters dream really!:-)
Saturday: Saturday I was at work. At a music shop. I love it there so much- I managed to tell 2 people about my blog and I hope they've read it and seen the broken angel video. It was a busy day but it was great. I tuned lots of ukuleles, played a gorgeous BRAND NEW acoustic Kawai piano that we got in and talked to lots of people about music and my music.
TODAY: Today, I have done nothing musical! I will admit it, I haven't done anything. My first proper day off in ages, no homework or anything to do. I lay in bed until half 11 and then went to my friend's house to watch The Hunger Games: Catching Fire and then came home and wrote this blog. Tomorrow I am back into recording and writing and full on music again, and to be honest I cannot wait! I love being this busy with my music.
Thankyou to everyone that has been reading my blogs, or even just reading this one if that's what you've done :-) Lots of love x
What song (album) I have been listening to today: Today I have been listening to The YouTube boyband. Marcus Butler, Alfie Deyes, Caspar Lee, Jim Chapman and Joe Sugg have done a song for Comic Relief and it is so hilarious! If you like these YouTubers or just want to support Comic Relief, definitely give it a listen. :-)
What has made me happy today: Spending quality time with one of my best friends, Daisy (we call each other Chummy), watching The Hunger Games :''''D
What has inspired me today: To be honest, nothing has inspired me today but lots has inspired me this week, while I have been recording my music and talking to lots of people about my music and where I want to go with it.